the paternal grandmother decided yesterday that she wants to sleep over at my house tonight, so tada! she's coming over in like a few hours time! i don't want her to come. she's no fun!!! and poor zimah. she has to sleep in the parents room tonight. for me, i intend to snore loudly and disturb her sleep, hehe.
zimah and i are going to go out later and we intend to spend as long as possible outside. so that maybe by the time we reach home we don't have to spend so much time with her. boo. yes yes, that's how much i...erm...not hate la, too strong a word...not like her?? yeah, that's it.
so since the grandmother coming over later, i have to clean up my room. ok, well, that's a way to look at it. finally, i'm cleaning up my room. i threw away all those damned uni brochures, open-house invitations, letter of interview and finally, the letterS of rejection. sigh...
while clearing up the room for the Queen, i came across this.
some stuff just bring back memories.

look where we are now?
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