Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Coffee Bean and bubble tea

People change all the time. Yes, there are probably certain aspects of you that haven't changed for years but if you really think about it, you are not the exact same person as you were a few years ago.

I believe maturity comes with age. That being said, how fast someone matures varies from person to person. As in, a 30 years old person doesn't necessarily be wiser that a 20 years old, but that 30 years old dude is definitely more mature that when he was 20 himself.

Once, a friend told me that I've changed, and she didn't like it. I was surprised with that comment cause I didn't think I've changed at all. So I went to another friend and asked her. The second friend said that yes, I've changed, but she liked the new me.

So it is true then. I've changed. We usually don't realise that we've changed cause we are so used to being us. But people who are around us, who observe us, may be able to see the changes.

I watched Oprah (cause Justin was on it) the other day, and I learnt one thing. We are not supposed to want to be with our partner, hoping that one day, we will be able to change our partner, because trust me, that ain't ever going to happen.

When we choose to be with our partner/friend for the rest of our life, we are also not supposed to want to do that only because we like our partner/friend as how he/she is right now. Cause we are all going change.

When we devote ourselves in any relationship, we are to do that with the belief that we are going to grow together. Because only with that, we can accept the changes that not only our partner/friend is going to go through, but ourselves as well.

Afterall, friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

To end this entry, here's a few lines from the song, Flaws and All by Beyonce.

I don't know why you love me
And that's why I love you
You catch me when I fall
Accept me, flaws and all
And that's why I love you

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Enough is enough, dude

It's a great ending to a great month.

And I have you to thank. Thanks alot for doing whatever you did to me. Because without that, then I would not have changed, then all these things would never have happened and I won't be this happy.

Yes, I'm happier now than when I was with you during all those times (well, this might be totally exaggerated, but I don't care). What a pity, don't you think? Considering you are...

[HD] So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 Top 10 Dancing On Ellen Show 09/08/2009- Part 1

I've always known she can groove, but HELL, i never thought she could dance like that!

Kudos to you Ellen. Respect!

Dil Bole Hadippa

Sometimes it feels really great to just be lost in my own world. Being totally oblivious to everybody else cause nothing else seems to matter. It's as if time stood still. Well, people can go on living for all they want, but I'll be right here, same spot, in the same daze.

And what makes it more special?

To have my Psychic Babe to share it with. It's nice to have someone else to talk about it to. Atleast she understands what (the hell) I'm going through, because I know for a fact that nobody else can, though how much they try to.

Sometimes I really wonder, what would I do without her.

Who will I share all this excitement with then?
Who will talk to me till 2am in the morning discussing the same thing (omg why is Shahid so cute!) all over again.
Who can read my mind just through sms/msn?
Who can see things exactly the same way as I do?

Babe, here's for you :) I don't know what tomorrow has for us, but all I can say for now is that I appreciate you so much in my life, you probably don't know that.

Cya on thursday :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

If the world was Cadbury

The irony about hating someone who nags at you is that that person actually does that cause he/she cares for you.

I just wish that there could be a better way for one to show his/her concern.


Certain things are just associated with certain people. It's like how singing "All About You" off-key is a Me-Zimah thing. Or how taking long rides home is a Farhana-Me thing.

Because of the fact that these things have become personal to you, they become exclusive. As a result, you don't even want to try doing it with someone else. It might be fun singing off-key with other people, who knows, but you just won't do it.

You just don't want to open up and give someone else a chance. Yes, like I've mentioned, it might be more exciting , but what you don't know won't harm you, no? Ignorance IS bliss.

People like things to always be the way they are. Because with change, there's that uncertainty with how things are going to turn out. And with that, there's fear and people don't like to be afraid. They want to be in control.

So with that, I'll see you on Wednesday, Midah :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

McFly - All About You: Video

I'm stuck in my McFly mode at the moment. Well, to be honest, I didn't even know I had that in me.

This song reminds me of these:
1) O-level preparation
2) Zimah, and how we try to harmonise though we ain't good
3) those people whom I sang along with in secondary school