Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dil Bole Hadippa

Sometimes it feels really great to just be lost in my own world. Being totally oblivious to everybody else cause nothing else seems to matter. It's as if time stood still. Well, people can go on living for all they want, but I'll be right here, same spot, in the same daze.

And what makes it more special?

To have my Psychic Babe to share it with. It's nice to have someone else to talk about it to. Atleast she understands what (the hell) I'm going through, because I know for a fact that nobody else can, though how much they try to.

Sometimes I really wonder, what would I do without her.

Who will I share all this excitement with then?
Who will talk to me till 2am in the morning discussing the same thing (omg why is Shahid so cute!) all over again.
Who can read my mind just through sms/msn?
Who can see things exactly the same way as I do?

Babe, here's for you :) I don't know what tomorrow has for us, but all I can say for now is that I appreciate you so much in my life, you probably don't know that.

Cya on thursday :)

1 comment:

RanPer said...

awww shucks... im grinning like an idiot!!! haha i swear i wouldnt know what to do without you too... i think thats why the dream affected me so much.. i was soooo traumatized with the thought of u gone... shit i nd to like call u right now!! haha