Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pause. Breathe. Love.

I can go on reading celebrity tweets for hours. As much as I love to do so cause it's so damn addictive, my eyelids are getting heavier by the minute.


I met Mira for lunch today. She couldn't get her cheese naan, so we got prata instead. Omg haven't had prata in the longest time ever!

I received my birthday card from Mira today. The card is awesome!! I truly appreciate the thought, effort and creativity that she put in in that card. Thank you so much babe!! Will be patiently waiting for part 2 and 3 yeah?

Remember, you got 2 birthday card orders now :D


I have been sitting in front of a computer all day. Why am I still here now??


I met Midah after work. Had our durian pancakes. Sigh, we can never go wrong with durian pancakes, mmm :)

Next up, Mira let's go get big, cheap donuts!!


Got my pay today!! But I'm still telling myself that I'm broke.


I have an assignment due next week, and exams are creeping up soon. Definitely need to do some work tomorrow man.

Oh, I will get Hindi movies dvds from Neetha on Monday! I can foresee an awesome CNY cum Vday holiday now :D


AI, ANTM and Survivor are back!! Alright man :D
Am so texting Mira like crazy from now on.


I officially love Friday nights. Time to catch up with friends at the simplest places that you can think of, and still have a great time.
Time's moving extremely fast, don't you think? It's already February. Like what!!
I just need to remind myself sometimes to pause and take it all in. Cause once the moment is gone, it's gone forever.

Ok, totally exhausted and wiped out now, so I'm going to sleep till 12pm.


mira said...

Welcome, welcome!

And eh! You ah. I actually played the most boring game of Solitaire EVER on my bed, waaaaaaiting for you to call tau! Then kene nag like mother hen by Husni cos HE wanted to sleep, hahaha! YOU BETTER CALL ME TODAY AH. I SMS YOU EARLY2 ALREADY.

I dreamt of cheese naans being thrown in the air by Midah, btw. LOL.

shimah said...

Weird dream! Anyways, sorry didn't call you back.

Ok, my reply is so belated, lol.