Friday, December 5, 2008

Be careful who you do cause karma comes back around

You know, sometimes we just get so caught up with how we feel that we tend to ignore someone's else's feelings. Just because you are so psyched about someone/something, doesn't mean your friend is in the mood to listen to that. Or when you are so depressed with your so-called pathetic life, your friend may have had a terrific day and don't want to entertain you.

But we still do. We still entertain. Or try to at the very least. Maybe coz we are obliged to. Maybe coz that's what friends are supposed to do. To be there to listen anytime anywhere.

But it doesn't hurt to be more tactful the next time round right?


Sometimes we feel like we are in this whirlpool that we can't get out from. You try to get out and find some solutions, but all you know is that you are still stuck at square one. And when that happens and you don't know what else to do, we resort to praying to God.

We think that God may not want to answer our prayers coz we know that we haven't been the most pious person ever. But we later realise that God is unlike human and God will help His creations no matter what.

Yesterday, i hope for a miracle. For something to just happen according to my way. And if i can't get that, then all i hope for is a solution to help me escape from this misery. And that solution did come.

Thank you Amirah.


Yes, this isn't what i've been hoping for. But if it can get me somewhere, then i really don't mind compromising.

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