Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Desi Girl, My Desi Girl Girl Girl Girl Girl

Work was incredibly peaceful today, and i have no complaints against that.

I was posted to West Coast Plaza (used to be Ginza Plaza) for the rest of the week. I was warned that it was going to be extremely boring there coz there will not be many customers like how we have in Raffles City. Well, that was true alright, and i really have no problem about that.

I spent the day reading my book and it's finishing now, so i can bring another book tomorrow, hah. There are customers occasionally and funny enough, i treated them way way better than how i treat some of the customers back at RC.

Apparently sales was way way better than usual. And Uncle Donald thank me for that. Okay...

I seriously thought i was going to pull my hair out or bang my head against the wall due to boredom but i think i handled today pretty well. Time moved relatively steady and before long i was out of there.

And i made some new friends with our fellow neighbours there.

I can so do this for the rest of the week :)

Come to think of it, West Coast Plaza is kinda cool you know. The building is modern and all, there are alot of shops, it's near my house and the fact that it's not crowded might just make it my newfound hang out place. Haha.
I'm just hanging onto this one thread. I'm not opening myself to other possibilities coz i don't want things to happen differently. I just want this, and that's it.
Yes, there is a chance that it might not happen according to my wishes but we'll worry about that later.
I need this to work out for me.

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