Thursday, December 4, 2008


Have you ever felt that everything that is going to happen in the future is solely dependent on you? Like it's you who will either make it work or let it fall apart? And you feel all alone and scared? And you can't turn to anybody for help coz you know nobody can provide any anyway?

Have you ever felt that? HAVE YOU EVER!!

Sigh, it sucks right?

Really really nambutchy-ed up right now *inside joke*. I need to breathe. Ok, breathing breathing...NOT HELPING!

Hopefully those few hours that i'm going to spend with Rachel later will make me forget about all this shit for awhile. And maybe after that i can calmly think all these through.


I did alot of things at work today. Alot. Such a busy day. Here's the list of things that i did just now.
  1. Sms people like crazy and reply to them almost instantly.
  2. Eating sushi and drinking bubble tea.
  3. Reading storybook and listening to music.
  4. And of course, occasionally serve those occasional customers!

Customers at West Coast Plaza only come like once every 15-20minutes and i have NO complaints regarding that. Really, i'm totally cool about that!

People who are reading sad love stories, should try reading while listening to songs from Westlife old album. You know, the album with "Unbreakable" and "Queen of My Heart"?? Yeah, that one. Coz the songs really fit the mood of the story and you will feel that you are actually watching some sad movie.



Starbucks at West Coast Plaza is giving out free drinks later from 5pm-7pm. Just a shout out, in case some people care.

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