Sunday, December 6, 2009

Needs To Be Exorcised

So! During the weekends, I did some sort of reflection, which i didn't do willingly actually but it just sorta came to me.

Things I Never Knew About Myself:

1) I have serious issues with myself, and that's not even the problem! The problem is I don't know what the issues are exactly, though I'm pretty sure there are issues to be dealt with. Cause if there aren't any in the first place, how else do you explain me being so upset on Friday??

2) No matter how psychic my friends can be (actually I'm just talking about one friend in particular here, but what the hell, let's just talk general alright!), they may not be able to understand some of your behaviours. But that doesn't mean they don't care!

But it just made me feel like an idiot sometimes trying to explain myself to a friend whom I thought knows me inside out. Which probably means I have to deal with this problem myself, which also further proves point 1.

3) I'm very passionate about the things I like...and the things I don't like. I can love someone/something with passion, but I can also hate someone/something with a lot of passion.

I think I need to see a counsellor so that I can figure out my issues, in order to fight my inner demons!! (Which I think might be a fun experience!) I have 2 friends taking Psychology, so Midah and Mira, I'm expecting both of you to give me a free consultation one of these days alright!!

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