Sunday, September 14, 2008

does the man even know you're alive?

the last thing anybody would expect when coming out of the mosque (or anywhere for that matter) is to see fire engine, police car and grey smoke somewhere few blocks down the street. talk about drama!

it was really like watching drama coz my sis and i bought ice-cream and chocolate drinks and walked all the way there just to kaypoh2. talk about typical singaporeans. hmmph.

i should just forbid the mother from buying bed sheets for me from now on. the last time she bought me was this green colour thing(!!! omg are you serious!) which i totally didn't like. her reason for buying that was that the colour would fit everything else that was on my bed. i have teddy which is brown, turtle which is green, bantal busuk which is green and my blanket which is brown. so she thought that a green coloured bed sheet will totally match the theme -.-''

for this year hari raya, she bought me this pink coloured bed sheet. pink still isn't so bad. the sheet has this huge roses on it. and trust me, when i mean huge, i mean huge! totally not exaggerating. sigh.

till then..."why don't you be my girlfriend, i'll treat you good..." haha i don't know why the song is stuck in my head.

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