Thursday, September 25, 2008

i'm standing there, on the balcony of summer air

i love my hair now!

my hair looks wavier (is there such a word??), slightly shorter than usual but the best part is my hair has a freaking shape now. it doesn't look as limp and dead as before. oh but the boo part is, the fringe is cut abit too short, but it's ok, i'm still happy with the overall outcome.

i was so happy that i stood infront of the mirror with the fan blowing and started flipping my hair from one side to another. haha obsession!

okok, maybe my hair still looks pretty decent now coz it just got styled by the hairstylist. hopefully tomorrow when i'm meeting civilisation, it will still look this good.

now the wind can blow from any direction and the hair won't be such a mess. yay me! *think London* :)

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