Friday, September 19, 2008

these memories are playing like a film without sound

i woke up this morning at 10am and got all jumpy coz i thought i was late for work. i leaped out of the bed and grabbed my phone to text Nan asap. just when i was about to press the "send" button, i realise that today was a friday and i have no work today -.-

work. can't live with it, can't live without it, sigh.

i said to Nan, "thank you for accompanying me to buy the cake".
Midah said to me, "thank you for coming".

thank you. sometimes we do certain things just to spite people, and sometimes...we do almost anything for a friend.

i am not able to pen down the love, the emotion between people coz it just doesn't do justice. you feel it, i feel it. you understand it, i understand it. sometimes there's no need to stand on a roof and proclaim your love to someone. it's enough that those concerned know.

and i know you know.

happy 19th birthday Audrey!!!

1 comment:

RanPer said...

hey shimah.. ok i guess this is a really belated tag! but i was really glad u came that day yup.. And i'm glad that i have a friend in you.