Thursday, September 11, 2008

wise up now or pay the cost

i met my neighbour on the bus yesterday. i don't talk to neighbours, maybe coz we were never that close and i think i don't gain anything by talking to them. i think the fact that my father's friendly enough to all neighbours is good enough already.

anyway, since we were like so close to each other on the bus, we started talking. super awkward, coz the conversation was all about knowing each other's family all over again. like excuse me, she was already supposed to know that i'm the eldest in the family!!

ok the fact that she asked me whether i was eldest in the family was still not so bad. if that shows that our relationship as neighbours suck, wait till this.

me: so just got back from work?
her: yeah...erm you do know that i don't live there anymore right?
me: huh, oh! you don't live opposite us anymore?
her: erm yeah, like *start counting* 6 months?? yeah, half a year already.
me: oh! *embarrassed already* so only your parents live there now?
her: oh they are actually my parents-in-law.
me: oh yeah yeah... *gosh*

telekong-shopping part 1 was a failure, boo.

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