Sunday, June 21, 2009

How time flies, how people change

My cousin, Aidil, got married yesterday. I always find weddings fun. Afterall, when else do you get to gorge on such awesome food? Even my non-Malay friends agree on that. Ok besides that obvious fact, I guess weddings is also one of the times that the whole big family get together.

As Aidil is my father's nephew, that will mean that I met the entire family from my father's side yesterday. And I must say, it turned out better than I've expected. Ok the day started out horrible, because I had to wake up extra early because the wedding was at Bedok Reservoir, which is an eternity away. Also my father was very enthusiastic about Aidil's wedding for God knows what reason (he's always excited about any family affair anyways).

Upon reaching, things got better, because I got to meet my cousins and those funny uncles who never fail to make me laugh so un-glam-ly. Yep, I sort of missed everybody. OH and I must stress the fact that "everybody" means everybody except for the grandmother of course (don't judge me, you know nothing about her).

Well, besides that painful moment where she asked me to get some desserts for her, thankfully enough, I had no other encounters with her for the rest of yesterday :)

Big families have its perks but I must say I still like having a big family. There's always someone looking out for you, someone whom you can talk (or gossip, your pick) or even someone to goof around with. You rarely see them, but when you do, you can always continue from where you left off the last time (which is probably months ago). Which is somewhat weird actually because here we have friends whom we meet like every other day.

Because I don't meet them often, I can't help but observe that whenever I meet them, somebody just got a baby, or someone is pregnant or the once-upon-a-time cute little boys have grown into young men.

We all grow up. Once upon a (really long) time ago, I played at the playground with Aidil when his sister, Rafidah, was getting married. I remembered playing hide-and-seek with him and I later collided into Hashim and started wailing. And now he's married, and my aunts and uncles are teasing that I'm next (WHAT??!!).

I'm 20 now. Fifteen years ago, when I was still playing with Aidil, 20 years old seems really really faraway and now I'm here. How time flies, how people change. But families, they will always stay by your side.

To the newly weds, Aidil and Faezah, congratulations.

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