Friday, June 5, 2009

One happy Shimah

I haven't been online for so long and suddenly I feel so detached from JT's and IK's lives (yes, I never fail to stalk those 2 favourites every time I come online).

It has been one crazy/fun/exciting week and guess what! The week hasn't even ended yet - and I'm quite exhausted already.

Well being exhausted is good! I get a good night sleep nowadays. I don't have to toss and turn on the bed for hours, I don't have to read a boring book and I don't have to call someone to supposedly make me sleepy (which always never work by the way because that just makes me more awake).

So yeah, a Shimah who gets enough sleep is a happy Shimah!

On a really different note altogether, I think Ben & Jerry's is losing all its original essence. It was supposed to be about fun and happy people serving ice-cream to customers and make them feel good (of course they'll feel good, it's B&J ice-cream!).

But now everything's changing and I'm not sure whether it's for the better. Everybody ("everybody" means everybody except the owner) thinks so but nobody dares to voice out (like duh, getting fired is so not a good idea now).

So you either take all the shit in or you quit (which some people have done by the way :( ).

And that's not all. From today onwards, Ben & Jerry's has increased the price for most of the products, which is like WHAT because we are already expensive to begin with.

I tell you, The Happy People Company doesn't consist of happy people anymore. Boo.

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