Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't Ask.

I need a longer attention span. Seriously man.

Taking a break every half hour isn't good at all (I think). But what to do? After half hour into reading some notes, my mind will start wandering off into work issues, friends or some random past experience.

But I'd say taking frequent breaks is better than not studying at all :D

Zimah, Hisham and I all had have tests/exams today. All the best to us! Hopefully all the hard work minus all the rojak and briyani breaks yesterday will pay off :D

And what is up with the weather man? So so so hot!! Suddenly shower 2-3 times a day isn't enough.

So...we are all psychos to some extent huh?

I've learnt to accept my friends for who they are, the psychotic parts and all. I've stop asking questions, cause I realised I rarely get answers for them anyways.

And if they can accept me for who I am, the crazy bits and all, then the least I can do is do the same for them.

True, I may not agree with some of the decisions that they made, but I try to support them nonetheless.

When they cry over the phone for something I consider minor, when they tell me about their dilemmas that I consider stupid or when they are so self-indulgent about their life, I'll still be here, listening.

Because I do the same stupid things too. And I expect them to be there for me. And if they can do that for me, then I should be there for them at any point of time in our lives.

We all function differently. We have our own obsessions, we have that one or two things that we are absolutely crazy about. Just because my obsession is different from yours, doesn't make mine any wrong.

Let's just learn to accept alright. Like I said, if your friend can do the same for you, then you should too.

Farhana, after doing some thinking, I can actually come up with 2 things that I might turn into a psycho for. But of course I'm not going to tell you la. That would spoil the drama :)


Farhana said...

Wait I know...
Karthik and Karthik!

Btw, Mustafa memanggil. Dia tanya bila kita nak datang lagi.

shimah said...

Ape yang Karthik and Karthik??

Haha Mustafa tak call I pun!