Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Bugger!

I'm currently waiting for my stupid brother to come home from swimming. I don't wait for that brother of mine to come home...ever! The only reason why I'm doing this is because that idiot took my shampoo to go swimming.

I can think of so many curses right now, but of course, it's not nice to curse your own brother right? Pfft.

It is so irritating! Ok, I would still be irritated if it concerns anyone else, but of course I'm slightly more irritated than usual because it's him.

Borrow my stuff. Fine, whatever. But have the bloody decency to inform me in advance. Don't make me wait here, all hot, cause I don't have my shampoo with me. Cause I don't like the fact that I'm actually waiting for you to come home now.

Cause I don't care if you come home usually anyways.

People say it's wrong to hate a sibling. But nobody knows anything, so nobody has any right to say anything.

Some people say they can forgive, but they cannot forget. Bullshit y'all. When you forgive, you forget. If you can't, means you haven't forgiven that person totally. As simple as that.

Since that's the case, it means I haven't forgiven alot of people. But that's also because some of them never really bothered to ask for forgiveness anyways. But we'll just stroll along hmm, pretend everything is sunshine and roses right?

Ahhh, so much hatred in one body. I do hate with passion.
But I do love with lots of passion as well :)

Let's end this entry on a positive note, right?

So I had my first paper today. I'm trying not to jinx anything but all I'm going to say is when I read the questions in the paper, I smiled :)

So all along I thought my second paper is on Wednesday. I've even took leave from work. But when I talked to Neetha just now, it turns out, my second paper in on Thursday! Wow.

I am selenge. Right Mira?


Mira said...

You sure are! I'm so proud of you! HAHAHA. And WHAT. He took your shampoo? The pink l'oreal one?? O.o

And I like this entry. Because... uhh. Because I see the word hate with passion and bullshit and stuff. Yes. I like. Hahahaha.

shimah said...

Haha sometimes we just need to vent huh? :)