Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let your clarity define you

How many of you out there are really proud to be a Singaporean?

I try each there to be contented with what i have here, coz i know i have so much more as compared to others living in unknown places all those places in Africa that simply can't be pronounced *shrugs*

Being Singaporean, means i have to deal with all those locals out there as well. And it can be hard if you don't like the way half of them behave in public places!

When one has to take public transport 24/7 coz you haven't learnt to drive yet, you can meet alot of people during your journey. And trust me, some of them can be real nasty. Sometimes, sitting or standing beside them in the mrt, just makes me feel so unclean sometimes...Well well, of course exaggeration intended here, no surprises!

But seriously, what were those people thinking when they dig their noses...with great enthusiasm, mind you, in an mrt, full of people?! Am i missing something here? Coz i really can't figure out why anybody with any form of decency will want to do that!

There are also the minor minor details that these people may not pay much attention to, but i'm totally affected by it. To name a few, there's the rushing to get into the mrt, rushing to empty seats, peeking into people's books when you are totally not invited, and i'm sure there are many more!

There was a time when i really wanted to migrate...well of course not because of these people, coz they are SO not worth the drama. Now i don't want to migrate, but i still don't want to face them. I just need a chauffeur to bring me around. And unfortunately enough, i have yet to find him.


I'm usually not vain, but recently i love catching my reflection whenever i can. How recent...well, after i had my haircut, if you want to be exact.

Ok, whatever's coming next is totally self-indulgent and you have been warned.

I love my hair. I love the shape. I love the waves. I love everything about it.

Although whenever i meet Nan i still secretly wish that i have her hair, but most of the time i'm really happy with mine.


  1. I can watch Meet the Robinsons on Disney Channel over and over again.
  2. I'm beginning to like Nan's kinda songs.
  3. I'm really happy with where i am now, well not literally of course.

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