Saturday, October 18, 2008

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?

On Tuesday, i became the chaperon for Zimah and her fellow friends for their jalan raya. It was pretty fun to see all those adorable girls, being all dolled up and oh-so-excited for their first ever jalan raya. Haha virgin!

With the girls, jalan raya is slightly bit different. The first thing that they do when they reach one another's houses is to go straight into their respective friend's room ("Mari masuk bilik kita!") and start playing video games, watch videos on the computer or watch dvds on the television.

I don't play games, nor do i like watching stupid videos (remember we are talking about 10 years old here and i'm sure you can imagine the kinds of videos they watch...). So unless we are watching dvds (we watched Pendekar Bujang Lapok and Alvin and the Chipmunks), what i have to do is sit infront of the tv, all alone, and talk to the elderly -.-

Well, talking to the girls' mothers are usually ok, coz they are totally harmless and they cook really yummy food. However, there was this grandmother, Zimah's bestfriend's grandmother to be exact, was such a horror. She started telling me about her life, her illnesses, her problems, her family...LIKE I CARE?! Hello, i'm just here coz i get free and nice food and also for the money. Do i look as if i am interested to listen to your pathetic sad life?? Well, i kinda pretended so actually.

Okok, slightly too harsh, sorry. Fine, i know i'll be old and sick one day and by then i will also probably have the effing urge to rant my sorrow to someone, but i'll make sure it's not a poor 19 year old girl, hands down.

All said and done, jalan raya was fun, and it kinda reminded me of the time when i did that 8-9 years ago with my own classmates. Damn, what a blast we had!

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