Friday, October 17, 2008

And i've hurt myself, by hurting you

In every season of ANTM, there is always that one bitch that makes life difficult for all the other girls in the house. To name a few, there were Renee, Ebony, Bianca, etc etc...The common trait that all these "bitches" have is that eventually, they will admit that all that "fierce" thing, was just a big facade. They claim that they are so mean to people because of their painful past.

Well, who doesn't have a past? I'm sure everybody has a "painful" past, depends on how you define "painful", of course!

People are not born with cynicism. It's just a trait that you pick up, and with practice you'll just master it! Being cynical usually gives one the impression that he/she has the upperhand in arguments. That is because you think that you are not the least bit hurt and by replying sarcastically and rudely most of the time, you believe that you are in control of the "game".

But why just stop there? Don't you think that when someone is being cynical, he/she is just trying to cover up the fact that he/she is actually the one who is badly hurt? How else to show that you ain't hurt but by pretending that you ain't hurt?!

Yes yes, it's all about the mind game. Typical.

Gosh, this entry is so self-reflective.

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