Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
When things don't go as planned
(Haiya, there are so many things in this world that cannot be explained anyways.)
That obsession can be about a tv show. You try your very best not to miss any episode of that show and in the circumstances that you do, you feel really bummed out, like as if it's the end of the world already (well, for that particular day only actually).
Or the obsession can lie in one of your characteristics. For example, Monica from Friends, she's obsessed with cleaning (one of these days, I may need her around the house). And if she doesn't get to do that, she gets agitated.
Or maybe, you are just obsessed in being the perfectionist. This is quite dangerous you know, because you can't control everything. There will be days when things don't go as per normal and what are you going to do when that happens?!
One thing that I learn about perfectionists is that, they like being in control and they would like to stay that way. That's why when things don't go as planned, they feel disappointed and angry because they aren't in control anymore. And that just sucks!
People like to get their presents on their birthdays (ok atleast I do). So when a birthday celebration that was being planned goes cuckoo, the planner (who happens to be a perfectionist) goes upset! And this is not anybody's birthday we are talking about, it's the mother's birthday dammit!
Curses to Metro who just HAD to be closed to public on my mother's birthday.
Curses to that Bata shop who didn't have my mother's size.
Sigh, I shall just keep my fingers crossed and wait for Sunday and hope that things will turn out better :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Bang the head at the count of 3
The show should just have ended when the boys got Scylla. And Don Self shouldn't have been a bad guy. He should have helped them destroy the Company and later freed the boys, as promised. But NOOOO! Everything is such a mess now.
Frankly, I don't even know what the hell Michael is doing, and that guy is supposed to be the main character! Dammit, I'm losing the touch man.
PB needs to take a chill pill and slow down for awhile. Let the season end later, I don't care. Just make sure that each episode is in slow motion now, so people like me can finally grasp it. If not, I have to resort to texting Farhana (who doesn't watch anymore, because it's too complicated for her) and Mira (who doesn't get it either sometimes). I try not to text Sakinah because that woman always give me more spoilers.
Michael's going to die eventually. We all know that. But I think the ending of the season will be extremely sad. I came up with a theory while talking to Mira just now. The ending should be like this (in order to make suckers like me cry buckets, that is):
1) Christina tries to shoot Lincoln
2) Michael protects Lincoln and gets shot instead
3) Christina goes "NOOO, MY SON!" (something of that sort)
4) Lincoln gets angry (as usual) and shoots Christina
5) So Michael and Christina both die
6) Sara, who is expecting, will give birth to Michael Scofield II and the whole thing continues
Ah, leave it to me to create the most dramatic scenes ever. Though I must say all these drama has so much to do with the Bollywood influence.
PB is such hard work now. I really can't wait for it to end.
P/S. Christina should go "Nahin!" instead. That would be classic.
So this is what happened today...
Customer: Hey have you worked at the Great World City outlet before?
Me: Yeah, but that was quite some time ago.
(thinking: why can't he just take the ice-cream and leave me alone?)
Customer: Yeah! I remember you. You helped me out the other time *smiles*
Me: Are you sure that was me? Coz I've only worked there ONCE and that was a year ago.
(thinking: he's got to be tripping man!)
Customer: Of course I'm sure. I remember those eyes of yours. *smiles*
And with that, I smiled awkwardly and pretended to laugh at his comment and served the next customer.
Seriously, why couldn't he have been Shah Iskandar or someone as good looking?
Oh I want to go for KFC breakfast! Anybody who is able to wake up early and wants to eat the breakfast, please ring me (:
Friday, July 10, 2009
Flo Rida Featuring Wynter Gordon - My Lips Like Sugar [VIDEO]
I'm really not a fan of Hip hop videos because I think they portray women in a really bad way.
That aside, thanks to Beverley who kept singing the "My lips like sugar" line RIGHT IN MY FACE, I'm now addicted to this song.
Dance my heart away
First, Hafi and I worked together again after one year, because she had school all this while.
Third, Farhana and Nan dropped by the shop when Hafi and I were working again.
So yeah, all 4 of us, in one venue at the same time, after one year.
Oh oh! Guess who bought a Michael Jackson album! ME!
And I even got a free MJ poster!
I'm so borrowing the album from the father on Saturday and bringing it to work so I can blast it at Ben & Jerry's. I already warned Alex because she wasn't too cool about it. I don't really care really, it's going to be my one day of indulgence in MJ's music :)
Shit, I'm gone.
Last, but definitely not the least, check this out.
Thank you so much jaan!
A friend (I forgot who really) told me that she didn't eat the gingerbread-girl that I once gave it to her because she keeps it for memory sake. She also added that it's too pretty to be eaten.
I'm sure even if she tries to eat it today, it won't taste as nice. So I decided to eat this cookie TODAY! Hope you don't mind jaan. I mean, it's cute and all and I appreciate it, but a cookie is still a cookie right? I have to fulfill the cookie's purpose, which is to be eaten! And what can I say? Sedap siol!
Anyways, if you really want to talk about memory sake, for one, I have this photo. Or...oh I know! Why don't you get me a cookie every other week so my memory will always be refreshed? Heh, I like this idea better :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lenka - The Show
This is simply a feel good song! And I think the whole video is really cute and adorable, haha. And she is quite pretty.
Sigh, I can listen to this all day. Thanks jaan for sending me the song :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sit on the roof and count the stars
So anyways!

I've lost count on the number of times that I've watched this movie. But I seriously doubt that I've watched it more times than I've watched other classics such as Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.
I think this movie is slowly inching to be one of my favourite Hindi movies of all times. The dialogues are fabulous, the actors are awesome and the storyline is still considered typical romantic for Hindi movies, though with a modern twist to it.

I seriously think that the director of the movie, Imtiaz Ali, was somewhat influenced by the whole "Raj-holding-his-hand-out-to-Simran-so-that-she-can-catch-the-train" thing in Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (omg these Hindi movie titles are so fucking long!).
I mean seriously, the photo above is such a give-away la!
But I like this scene better in DDLJ. Duh, nothing can beat a Shah Rukh-Kajol pairing. Like nothing, ever!

Can you believe how sweetly they posed for this photo even after breaking up? Yup, these 2 used to be lovers for like 4 years, and somewhere during the course of making the movie, they broke up. And they still continued filming for the movie. Professional man!
I think unmarried couples should never make a movie together. The movie's either going to be a big flop (remember Kyun...!Ho Gaya Na?) or the couple is going to break up afterwards (remember Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam?) Maybe it's just a jinx in Bollywood, who knows.
How can I end this post without mentioning how cute Shahid Kapoor is right? So, yes Shahid is cute in this movie. Atleast you have to agree on that Mira. But I am actually more impressed with his acting skills in this movie. Makes me believe he's not just a pretty boy/awesome dancer only, you know.
Do all the Michael Jackson tributes just have to be on Prison Break slots?! Are you fucking kidding me?!
People are still paying tributes to Michael Jackson. Hasn't it been 2 weeks already?
Ah, but then again I'm actually one of those people who are only starting to pay attention to his music now. I even stayed up in the wee hours to watch the memorial ceremony yesterday (thank God, I wasn't working the following day).
Soon, this whole hype will die and then everybody else will move on with their lives. People will continue to buy all sorts of nonsense magazines and believe all the rumours. Paparazzi will constantly follow the celebrities and flash their personal lives. And then, one day maybe, all these will drive another celebrity crazy and he/she will die.
And the whole routine will continue itself.
Ah, drama. All I need to keep myself going.
Oh my father just mentioned that he wants to buy the Off The Wall album. And I willingly (not to mention, rarely as well) offered my service. I think I will get it from The Cd Shop one of these days at Raffles City. Afterall I am entitled to 10% discount :)
Ohmybloodycuckoonathan! Kevin Jonas is engaged?! WHAT!
.......................*Shimah is currently speechless*
She thinks she is just pms-ing. She has to be. Because if it's not pms, she thinks she is slowly on her way to self-destruction. Yikes, not good not good!
She used to be Dr Love. Providing answers to other people's questions used to be real easy. But when it comes to one self's life (though we aren't exactly talking about love life here) it can get real tough. That's why she needs a Doctor herself.
And she thinks talking in third person can be considered somewhat denial, but she likes talking like this now, haha.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Eureka! I've discovered something new today.
I never understood tennis before and that's why I never watched all those tournaments before despite having all the sports channels at home. An ex-classmate of mine used to ask me whether I watched tennis, and when I said no, she looked so disappointed like as if I'm missing out on alot. She also gushed that Rafael Nadal (still don't know how he looks like) has the cutest ass ever.
Obviously that wasn't the reason why I started to watch tennis recently (it really isn't!). It all started out when my father was watching the Wimbledon semi-finals and I just happened to be in the living room, having dinner. He kept going "Yes!" or "Alamak!" and after awhile, I was just too curious about the tournament that he was watching.
So he then thought me how tennis works (omg I still prefer badminton) and the next thing I know I watched the whole tournament till the end even after my father grew sleepy and went to bed early :)
And yesterday, I watched the finals which lasted for so long that I thought it would never end. Roger Federer (aka Arbaaz Khan) won and history is made with him winning 15 times.
I'm just born a rebel, I think. During the semi-finals, I rooted for Andy Murray (he lost) when I knew everybody was rooting for Andy Roddick. And during the finals, when everybody supported Federer, I supported Roddick (he lost too). Haiya.
Anyways, I think I might continue to watch more tennis tournaments now. And I guess, you can't deny the fact that some of them do have cute butts (it's not my fault, the cameramen always focus there!). Trust me, it can get quite hot, and I'm not talking about the weather there. Shit, corny.
Now that I've finally understood how tennis works, I suddenly have the urge to learn about cricket so that after this I can watch Lagaan again and finally understand how the game was being played.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Officially bummed out
I just don't like going through the whole day (ok, maybe just the on the way home part) feeling all happy, because I know no matter how much the day had sucked, there is still PB to cheer me up at the end of the day. But no! Stupid Channel 5 decided to cancel PB yesterday and replaced that slot with some tribute to MJ. Oh come on already, how many tributes do you guys want!
Ok fine, if that tribute was that necessary why oh why did it have to be on PB's slot? Why couldn't it be on the slot after, or better still, TODAY (since I have nothing to watch today anyways)?! Darn you Channel 5.
So 5 more days till the next episode of PB. Oh and I learnt 2 more spoilers, courtesy of Ginni Chan (curses!).
OhMyGod! I can't believe I'm really bummed out about this! Gosh, I'm pathetic.
I know this is long overdue, and eventhough I've smsed you guys, I still want to do this.
To aunt agony, thanks for picking up the phone. Call it luck or fate, I'm just really grateful that you were the first person whom I could talk to. Eh give me some of your muffins please? My mood is so bleurgh nowadays, I definitely need those muffins to cheer me up.
To Psychic Babe, I think I'm able to pardon you for forgetting, solely because of one reason. You are psychic (whether you want to accept it or not). Henceforth, please forget to call or sms me back, I don't care (of course I'm kidding!). I'm just glad you are psychic.
She just hates people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about but pretend as if they do and look like fools while doing so. Seriously, you probably don't know how stupid you look, but you do look stupid enough to make her puke.
She doesn't understand why is it necessary for you to pretend as if you know. She doesn't pretend to like your music so why do you have to pretend as if you know anything about her kind of movies? She doesn't need to talk to you about her obsession anyways because she knows you don't know much (nothing actually). That's why she doesn't talk to you. She has her Psychic Babe to talk to anyways.
So get this once and for all. She doesn't need you.
So stop pretending as if you understand what she's talking about. There are so many other things to talk about anyways. And if there isn't, then that's just how pathetic your friendship is right?
One more thing, it's one thing to pretend to her, but it's a totally another thing when you pretend to the world. Afterall, you never knew his name before this anyways.
Why do such people exist anyways? And why does she have to friends with those people, omg.