Friday, July 10, 2009

Dance my heart away

Today was like a 1 year reunion for Hafi, Nan, Farhana and I.

First, Hafi and I worked together again after one year, because she had school all this while.
Second, I was very (VERY) late for work again, and left poor Hafi to set up the shop herself again.
Third, Farhana and Nan dropped by the shop when Hafi and I were working again.

So yeah, all 4 of us, in one venue at the same time, after one year.
It's like dejavu or something. I swear it's a sign, though I'm not sure what. Wow, it's like supernatural!

Or dang, maybe it's just a big coincidence. Hmm, but I like to consider it as supernatural. It's more exciting that way, haha.

Oh oh! Guess who bought a Michael Jackson album! ME!
Hah, omg I can't believe I'm excited about this. So yeah, went to HMV with Nan and Joline after work and I decided to buy the MJ compilation album because first, I think that's better than buying just the Off The Wall album and second, it's because the shop didn't have the Off The Wall album (heh).

And I even got a free MJ poster!

I'm so borrowing the album from the father on Saturday and bringing it to work so I can blast it at Ben & Jerry's. I already warned Alex because she wasn't too cool about it. I don't really care really, it's going to be my one day of indulgence in MJ's music :)

I can't believe I'm this excited about MJ suddenly. But I'm sure it's just a phase, like the American Idol phase. This will last for a week (or two) and then I'll move on to something else.


Shit, I'm gone.

Last, but definitely not the least, check this out.

Thank you so much jaan!

A friend (I forgot who really) told me that she didn't eat the gingerbread-girl that I once gave it to her because she keeps it for memory sake. She also added that it's too pretty to be eaten.

I'm sure even if she tries to eat it today, it won't taste as nice. So I decided to eat this cookie TODAY! Hope you don't mind jaan. I mean, it's cute and all and I appreciate it, but a cookie is still a cookie right? I have to fulfill the cookie's purpose, which is to be eaten! And what can I say? Sedap siol!

Anyways, if you really want to talk about memory sake, for one, I have this photo. Or...oh I know! Why don't you get me a cookie every other week so my memory will always be refreshed? Heh, I like this idea better :)

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