Friday, July 3, 2009

Officially bummed out

I can't believe I'm very obsessed with Prison Break. I mean, I realise I'm a fan and all, but I seriously wasn't expecting myself to be so bummed out that PB got cancelled yesterday.

I just don't like going through the whole day (ok, maybe just the on the way home part) feeling all happy, because I know no matter how much the day had sucked, there is still PB to cheer me up at the end of the day. But no! Stupid Channel 5 decided to cancel PB yesterday and replaced that slot with some tribute to MJ. Oh come on already, how many tributes do you guys want!

Ok fine, if that tribute was that necessary why oh why did it have to be on PB's slot? Why couldn't it be on the slot after, or better still, TODAY (since I have nothing to watch today anyways)?! Darn you Channel 5.

So 5 more days till the next episode of PB. Oh and I learnt 2 more spoilers, courtesy of Ginni Chan (curses!).

OhMyGod! I can't believe I'm really bummed out about this! Gosh, I'm pathetic.


I know this is long overdue, and eventhough I've smsed you guys, I still want to do this.

To aunt agony, thanks for picking up the phone. Call it luck or fate, I'm just really grateful that you were the first person whom I could talk to. Eh give me some of your muffins please? My mood is so bleurgh nowadays, I definitely need those muffins to cheer me up.

To Psychic Babe, I think I'm able to pardon you for forgetting, solely because of one reason. You are psychic (whether you want to accept it or not). Henceforth, please forget to call or sms me back, I don't care (of course I'm kidding!). I'm just glad you are psychic.


She just hates people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about but pretend as if they do and look like fools while doing so. Seriously, you probably don't know how stupid you look, but you do look stupid enough to make her puke.

She doesn't understand why is it necessary for you to pretend as if you know. She doesn't pretend to like your music so why do you have to pretend as if you know anything about her kind of movies? She doesn't need to talk to you about her obsession anyways because she knows you don't know much (nothing actually). That's why she doesn't talk to you. She has her Psychic Babe to talk to anyways.

So get this once and for all. She doesn't need you.

So stop pretending as if you understand what she's talking about. There are so many other things to talk about anyways. And if there isn't, then that's just how pathetic your friendship is right?

One more thing, it's one thing to pretend to her, but it's a totally another thing when you pretend to the world. Afterall, you never knew his name before this anyways.

Why do such people exist anyways? And why does she have to friends with those people, omg.

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