Friday, July 17, 2009

Bang the head at the count of 3

Prison Break is getting real TMTH. It's so complicated now that I had a headache yesterday while watching (NO KIDDING!).

The show should just have ended when the boys got Scylla. And Don Self shouldn't have been a bad guy. He should have helped them destroy the Company and later freed the boys, as promised. But NOOOO! Everything is such a mess now.

Frankly, I don't even know what the hell Michael is doing, and that guy is supposed to be the main character! Dammit, I'm losing the touch man.

PB needs to take a chill pill and slow down for awhile. Let the season end later, I don't care. Just make sure that each episode is in slow motion now, so people like me can finally grasp it. If not, I have to resort to texting Farhana (who doesn't watch anymore, because it's too complicated for her) and Mira (who doesn't get it either sometimes). I try not to text Sakinah because that woman always give me more spoilers.

Michael's going to die eventually. We all know that. But I think the ending of the season will be extremely sad. I came up with a theory while talking to Mira just now. The ending should be like this (in order to make suckers like me cry buckets, that is):

1) Christina tries to shoot Lincoln
2) Michael protects Lincoln and gets shot instead
3) Christina goes "NOOO, MY SON!" (something of that sort)
4) Lincoln gets angry (as usual) and shoots Christina
5) So Michael and Christina both die
6) Sara, who is expecting, will give birth to Michael Scofield II and the whole thing continues

Ah, leave it to me to create the most dramatic scenes ever. Though I must say all these drama has so much to do with the Bollywood influence.

PB is such hard work now. I really can't wait for it to end.

P/S. Christina should go "Nahin!" instead. That would be classic.


So this is what happened today...

Customer: Hey have you worked at the Great World City outlet before?

Me: Yeah, but that was quite some time ago.
(thinking: why can't he just take the ice-cream and leave me alone?)

Customer: Yeah! I remember you. You helped me out the other time *smiles*

Me: Are you sure that was me? Coz I've only worked there ONCE and that was a year ago.
(thinking: he's got to be tripping man!)

Customer: Of course I'm sure. I remember those eyes of yours. *smiles*

And with that, I smiled awkwardly and pretended to laugh at his comment and served the next customer.

Seriously, why couldn't he have been Shah Iskandar or someone as good looking?


Oh I want to go for KFC breakfast! Anybody who is able to wake up early and wants to eat the breakfast, please ring me (:
She probably won't read this, but heck.
Happy 24th Birthday Makcik.
Mira, I tell you, she better like the purse man.

1 comment:

mira said...

If she doesn't you just take it and use for yourself ah, hahaha!

And 100 words dah buat ke belum ni, hmm???