Monday, July 6, 2009

Eureka! I've discovered something new today.

Tennis is exhausting. Nope, I haven't tried playing tennis yet. When I said "exhausting", I meant it's exhausting for me to watch tennis. It is, really, solely because of one reason - a tournament can last for HOURS (not exaggerating). It's even longer than a normal Hindi movie, omg!

I never understood tennis before and that's why I never watched all those tournaments before despite having all the sports channels at home. An ex-classmate of mine used to ask me whether I watched tennis, and when I said no, she looked so disappointed like as if I'm missing out on alot. She also gushed that Rafael Nadal (still don't know how he looks like) has the cutest ass ever.

Obviously that wasn't the reason why I started to watch tennis recently (it really isn't!). It all started out when my father was watching the Wimbledon semi-finals and I just happened to be in the living room, having dinner. He kept going "Yes!" or "Alamak!" and after awhile, I was just too curious about the tournament that he was watching.

So he then thought me how tennis works (omg I still prefer badminton) and the next thing I know I watched the whole tournament till the end even after my father grew sleepy and went to bed early :)

And yesterday, I watched the finals which lasted for so long that I thought it would never end. Roger Federer (aka Arbaaz Khan) won and history is made with him winning 15 times.

I'm just born a rebel, I think. During the semi-finals, I rooted for Andy Murray (he lost) when I knew everybody was rooting for Andy Roddick. And during the finals, when everybody supported Federer, I supported Roddick (he lost too). Haiya.

Anyways, I think I might continue to watch more tennis tournaments now. And I guess, you can't deny the fact that some of them do have cute butts (it's not my fault, the cameramen always focus there!). Trust me, it can get quite hot, and I'm not talking about the weather there. Shit, corny.

Now that I've finally understood how tennis works, I suddenly have the urge to learn about cricket so that after this I can watch Lagaan again and finally understand how the game was being played.

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