Today, I went to watch My Sister's Keeper with Fizah at Kallang Leisure Park (erm, I hope I got the name of the place right?). Before we got in, the Mat who was checking our tickets told us that the movie was going to be "emo giler". I won't say "giler" but oklah, pretty much sad.
Sigh, I could have cried more during the movie actually, but I just don't do that in theatres, especially with Fizah by my side (actually, anybody else for that matter). I think if I were to watch this movie alone, then yes, I would probably have cried (wailed, to be exact) like how I did when Bruce Willis' character was talking to Liv Tyler's character for the last time in Armageddon.
I feel like reading this book now, so I would probably borrow it from the library soon. Come to think of it, I sorta miss reading. Haven't read a storybook in a really long time (and Zimah's library books don't count, sadly enough).
Fizah, got this for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Dekker_(actor).
I tried looking for photos of him, but he has too many hairstyles going on, I just don't know which one to choose for you. One thing's for sure though, he would be great on Twilight, should become a vampire. Such a bad boy man!
On a different note altogether...
People shouldn't lie when they suck at it. Why do some people actually think that they might get lucky and look believable when they lie, when they cannot lie to save their lives?
And when people want to tell a secret, they either go all out and tell the whole thing, or if not, they should just keep their mouth shut. Why tease with people's feelings like it's a joke?
I'm listening to OST of My Sister's Keeper right now, and thank God, these songs are keeping me cool-headed. I can't be mad at you guys anymore. Just disappointed.
I guess, it takes all kinds of people to make this world huh?
I've the book if you want.
haha, i can't access the link.
aww... why didn't you cry more! hehe. It was a sad movie, but not sad enough for me to even tear. very touching though.
oh yea, thanks for the day, and the grape mentos. :)
And i want to read the book too! After my exams that is.
oh btw, i found something in my drawer today. Shall show you the next time we meet. I guess I'm going to throw it away after i show it to you.
Oh have you found the book already Farhana? If not, I'll just borrow from the library la.
Haha I can't access too Fizah! You go wiki then type his name la - Thomas Dekker.
Ooh, smthg to show me? Haha but why you want to throw away after that sey? Ok now I can't wait to see it.
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