Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rapping till we see the sun

I'll pick up that phone of mine even if I were sleeping.
I'll buy ice-cream and cheer you up when you're crying.
I'll come and rescue you from a bad date if you want me to.
I'll miss my favourite show on tv just so I can spend more time with you.

I'll take long rides home with you for the fun of it.
I'll try to be patient when you give me bullshit.
I'll tease you about that boy whom you find cute.
I'll hate anyone who doesn't treat you good.

I'll pay for your stuff when you're broke.
I'll make you laugh the entire night with my jokes.
I'll talk to you on the phone for hours when you're bored.
I'll still love you even when I get ignored.

For all the times that we've shared before.
To call it love just isn't enough anymore.

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