Monday, October 26, 2009

We say lets hang up on 3 but we don't ever do it

Sooo, obviously the previous entry didn't do justice to what happened yesterday.

Met up with Farhana at Dhoby Ghaut and went to Gramophone. I got to reserve JT's FutureSex/LoveSounds concert in dvd form. Wicked awesome man! Once I get my pay next week, I'm so getting that dvd.

We were so very high then. We might have had happy danced all the way to Taka but decided not to. Afterall, we were looking somewhat demure than usual cause we were both in skirts. Sweeet!!!

I have been craving for satay for quite awhile now, so we decided to go to Harbourfront food centre for it. And omfg, we were very VERY disappointed when we found out that that place is closed for renovation. Arghhh, among all times man, it just had to be yesterday.

I was pretty surprised that my parents had no idea about that place being under renovation. You know parents, they usually know which place sells the best nasi lemak, which place moved where, which place is new and good, etc... So dang man! I finally found out something first before them.

We must have craved for satay real bad, cause I can't believe typing this now that we actually went to West Coast food centre for satay after that. Yup!

I swear, it's like we weren't fated to eat satay yesterday or something cause after ordering satay, we had to wait for 45 (holy crap!) mins for it. Can you believe that?! We might have gone crazy, pulling out hair out or something, but we spent that time playing Scissors Papers Stone instead -_-'' Oh, and we kept staring at this small girl who behaved really retarded-ly cause she kept going "Mama, mama" (no, she wasn't lost) and walking around like a zombie! Freakkky!

Got our satay after our many attempts of trying to be all gangsta so that they will serve our satay soon and dang, we weren't too happy with the satay. Nothing wow-ish, and if my father was there, he would have gone, "Kuah cair sey!"

Basically, I'm still craving for satay. Good ones, definitely.

Today. Do people actually know that there's a mall in Clementi? I bloody live one station away and I've never stepped inside that place. But since Farhan wanted to go there, oh wells.

Went for dinner with Farhana, Midah and Farhan at erm...I don't know what that place is called again, but yeah some sushi restaurant alright. Omg, I'm so never going to ANY sushi restaurant for a meal ever again.

Sushis are fine usually, but the kinds I eat are usually from Jason's Marketplace and they are nice. But sushis for dinner? Weirrrd. And $8 for some pieces of fish wrapped in seaweed and waffle with ice cream (yup, waffle with ice cream at a sushi restaurant, dude!)? Yup, never going back there again.

Midah and I bought durian pancakes later. Oh my heavenly god! They were so orgasmic, I tell you. They were so good, that I told Midah, "Who needs sex when you can have durians?". Mira, I should bring you there one day alright!

Next time if I feel bummed again, I'll just go there and buy durian pancakes. Too good man, too good.

Still feeling really high, but for now I need to get some sleep, thanks to the flu that just doesn't seem to stop! Boo.


Farhana said...

I think we're just too Malay or something. Hello, uncooked seafood for dinner? My perut tak leh angzzz.

Next time, we choose the place we're dining at.

Let's try satay at Zak's Kitchen at AMK next time :)

p/s. I'm craving naan and murtabak. I'm in my I LURVE INDIAN FOODZZZ phase.

shimah said...

Pls figure out where that Zak's Kitchen place is exactly, so we can really go there next time.

Haha, and if we meet on Sunday, then we eat at Zam Zam la k. Or we can always try that Prata Wala place at JP.