Friday, January 8, 2010

Sweet Memories, Ugly Reality

My first week of 2010 has been awesome! I'd say that's a great start to a great year ahead :)

Work training has been fun. Everybody's friendly and those who have experience are really helpful.

I probably couldn't ask for a better group :)

I haven't made any new Malay friends since I was 17. That didn't occur to me till this week.

Of course, I can click with my non-Malay friends as well. But somehow, with the Malays we sorta can click on a different and probably on a more comfortable level.

I think I have subconsciously started to adopt a Minah accent as well. Gerek dok!

I'm just so amazed with the number of females who smoke. With the amount of cigarette smoke that I'm inhaling right now, I might die one day as a passive smoker :(

And I've got 2 birthday parties to go to this monthhh!! Ok actually, I'm just excited for only one of them, tee hee.

"And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street."
Ok Mira, fyi, this isn't about that boy exactly but yeah, I'm just talking about the situation in general.

I can't believe I actually had to explain that, haha.

I have quite a number of resolutions this year and I'm very optimistic that I will achieve them.

Oh and work has been a great reason for me to go shopping. And there are sales everywhere. Gerek sey!

Ok I need to stop that accent. Seriously.

I haven't told my B&J manager that I've got another job. And I don't really want to. Hopefully I can go on like this for awhile more.

Oh and CNY falls on Valentine's Day this year. I might work at B&J then cause Nan will work with me, and there's double pay AND TK will give me hong bau. Yeehaw!!

So all you single people, come and join us at work!! We'll probably have our own party there :)

I have birthday presents to buy. Yes, presentsss, which means more than one. And that's not even the problem.

I don't know what to get for them!! Ok what to get for "her" actually, yup for one person only.

And I've run out of ideas and I don't think I can come up with any other ideas. How now man?

So far, I'm not complaining having to wake up at 8:15am every single day cause I look forward to work. But that's it man!

I'm so going to wake up at 11am tomorrow. Don't anyone dare call me man! Haha.

On Wednesday, I went for school, rushing like crazy, but managed to reach JUST on time.

And omg half hour later, the admin lady came in and told us our lecturer is on MC.

Are you fucking kidding me?! *Bang head*

Ok, I'm going to check out what's on tv now, and sleeeeeeep for a loooooong time. And tomorrow, gotta do some revision man, even though business management is oh so boring!

Rest. Oh, don't you just love Fridays?

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