Monday, January 4, 2010

Rambling Nonsense

I just finished an assignment. Assignments make people cranky I think. Mira's a living proof, haha kidding.

My body aches, my contact lens are still on. It's 12:30 in the bloody morning and I have a long day ahead. What am I doing here?!

So it's 2010.
What was I doing while people were doing countdowns at places such as Marina Bay and Sentosa? I was at home, all tired because I was out the entire day, so I was watching Sabsey Favourite Kaun Awards. Vivek was on it, so that made up for it.

I wouldn't have known it was 2010 if Zimah didn't countdown together with Gurmit and the rest of Singapore in front of the other television.

Zimah was very intrigued by the fireworks that lasted for 8 minutes. It's fireworks, how exciting can they get? I get bored after the first 10 seconds already.

It's a new year, but it doesn't feel much - yet (probably). I'm still the same as I was last week, which technically is last year. But who cares about technicalities here right?

I need to adapt to changes.
No more waking up at 10am (11am actually)
No more watching lots and lots of tv.
No more free time to hang out.

I'm not exactly very psyched about new year now. It sounds like a lot of work. And Shimah is probably another acronym for Work.

I want to sleep for 10 hours, wake up and watch tv shows after tv shows. Probably meet someone for dinner and then go home and watch more tv. And sleep.

For the record, I had such schedules in my life before, don't be surprised.

Oh, SRK is on twitter too. Why does Vivek loves to call him God? He's so not.

I watched this show on tv 2 nights back (what else do I do right?) and this crazy fan of SRK actually has a tattoo of SRK's name on his arm. If I mention this to an ah pek, he will go "LU GILA AH!!"

Ok, I digressed. Anyways, I should take off my contact lens soon and go to sleep. Afterall, tomorrow might be my last day at B&J, who knows!

Should I say goodbye to Botak Guy as well?
Maybe not, afterall, he's MARRIED WITH 2 KIDS!! I so need to constantly remind myself that.

Anyone up for Canele? I've been craving for their food for the longest time ever now.

I want to eat KFC too. Recently, I've been wanting non-healthy food. Burger King on Thursday, Macs on Saturday...I know it's not a good diet, but you can't deny what the body wants right? It's just not right!

So anyways, I should go and sleep soon.

Oh I realised a few days back that I have work AND school on my B-day. Another reason why I'm not looking forward to the new year.

By the time I'm done at 10pm, nobody wants to celebrate it anymore. Who wants to have supper and celebrate with me on a school/work night man? NOBODY, that is.

God, this is so depressing. One thing I'm looking forward to is getting a B-day present from Makcik. She asked Zimah for help. Zimah?! You never ask Zimah for help and expect her not to tell me. Duh!!

Oh wells, I think I'm done rambling for now. Good night :)


Farhana said...

I'm up for Canele if you are! :)

mira said...

Ehh what. Mana ada cranky! Hahaha thanks eh. I haven't finished mine yet. Frust menonggeng ah cari article. Lol.

And don't worry! I'll stay in school a bit longer to meet you on your B day! (:

shimah said...

Farhana: Haha yesss!! When should we go ah?

shimah said...

Mira: A BIT longer? Hello dey, my class ends 3 (almost 4) hours after your class ends, haha. Sanggup tunggu??