Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face

Free Cone Day was fun!

Tired, but fun.
Busy, but still fun.
Crazy, but it was definitely fun.

One of the many tasks that I had to do was crowd control. Which means I had to make sure that the queue moves fast since queue was all the way to the escalator! Gosh. This task sounds so easy, coz I just had to stand there, occassionally talking to random people who were there for free ice-cream.

But! This task can be quite tricky. You just have no idea how some people come up with the most ridiculous and lamest excuse ever, just to cut the queue. Seriously people, it's just one free scoop of ice-cream. Have more dignity than that.

Free Cone Day also means that most of the scoopies are present. What I like about all of us getting together is that we get to share all the funniest encounters we had before with customers. It's hilarious sometimes hearing the weirdest things that customers come up with.

Crunchy Monkey, Strawberry Shortcake, Coffee Coffee Booze Booze Booze...
Just to name those few :)

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