Sunday, April 19, 2009

Swallow that pill that they call pride

Coz I need to pen my thoughts down before my head explodes from all these thinking...

Why have things change when we are still the same people?
Why do we drift apart?
Why do we find it hard to express our feelings?
Why are we able to be just fine without contacting each other for days...and sometimes weeks?

And I realised it all comes down to one thing - Pride.

I am a proud person. I know that. I accept that and I have no problems with that.
You are a proud person. Yes, I know that. I've accepted that and I have no problems with that.

But somehow something is definitely going wrong in between.

I don't know why, but with you things sometimes get harder that usual. And that sucks. Will things change just because we've finally admitted our flaws? I don't know. Coz frankly, knowing us, it's bound to happen again anyways, haha.

I need to press on the accelerator and let go of the clutch slowly.
Do you get it?

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