Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wish I could shut my playboy mouth

The POS was down, the ice machine leaked like nobody's business and the waffles sucked! Yes, work on Saturday was quite frustrating.

Funny enough, the 3 of us, irritated and all, managed to laugh our way through the night. We were all in quite a bitchy mood, but trust me, being bitchy was never as fun before :)

Before we parted ways, I was forced to eat Cherry Garcia after losing a game which I came up with -_-
Cherry Garcia is weird - sweet, sour and bitter all at the same time.


The world is weirdly small. Ok, maybe it's not the world, maybe it's Singapore that's just too small.

Actually, maybe it's not Singapore that's small.

Maybe it's just my social circle, sigh.

I don't understand why Rauf is so happy about his "interconnected network". I'm so not, coz his "interconnected network" intercepts with mine, pfft.

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