Saturday, April 25, 2009

Let's dance, let's shout

I like to watch things on tv. Maybe coz it's bigger there and sound system is way better.
But how was I supposed to resist when I saw the link on, stating the 2 contestants who got eliminated from American Idol right?!

So yup, clicked on the link, keeping my fingers crossed that they aren't my favourites and oh was God on my side or what!
Lil Rounds and Anoop (or Abhishek, as my mum remembers him) got the lowest number of votes.

It's top 5 now, with Allison being the only girl.
I don't like her.

Moving on to another reality series show...

Last week's episode of Survivor was just so UGH! Simply because my favourite, Brendan got voted out.
But this week, oh this week's episode is good! Like yummy good :)
Another week of Survivor, another blindside. Yes! That's what I totally love about this game.


She will get real close to you, pour her heart out to you, make you believe as if you are her one and only true friend, yada-yada...
And the next minute, she just goes POOF! Disappears, withdrawing herself from you.

And that's when she goes to another person, and the whole cycle repeats itself.

She has phases, you can't blame her for that right?

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