Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let's see how far we've come

I read the papers yesterday and there was this article on the results of Project Work (PW).

It has been 2 years since I last don my JC uniform but the whole hype on the results of PW is still the same. Students from the "better JCs" are still unhappy about their Bs, Cs and Ds, blaming the teachers for the lack of input. And some students from the "weaker JCs" admitted that their As are due to the "spoon-feeding" by their teachers.

Now doesn't that sound familiar, oh my fellow saints? Coz we've definitely been there, done that.

During my time, my school was definitely one of those that made such a big issue out of it coz we were really upset about our results. Everybody in my class got a C for PW except for 3 people who got Bs. And the class next to ours had worse results. Everybody there got a D except for a few who got Cs. And that wasn't it. We got angrier after comparing results from friends from other JCs, and knowing that alot of them got As.

It has been 2 years since then.
2 years.
But I guess, the whole system hasn't changed one bit.

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