Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And down the waterfall, wherever it may take me

It's interesting how our moods sometimes are determined by the people around us. Like when someone in the gang is feeling all moody and black, it tends to rub off and spoil our mood sometimes.

I worked with a totally mega high girl just now. I was pretty stressed at first because she's Tk's cousin (hur hur...) but it turned out to be pretty ok. In fact, i think i got really positive the entire night thanks to her!

Someone like me, who is born cynical or just like that due to habit, whatever you pick...finds it really tough to be nice to people sometimes. It's just not in our nature. And for us, it takes a lot of effort to smile that extra bit and to not give nasty remarks.

But tonight, I must say that I was a totally different person. I was some nice saint with an invisible halo on top of my head who has no other motive in this world except to serve the people. Which is kinda freaky, come to think about it. But yeah that was what happened.

Maybe, just maybe, there really is a nice side to me that has yet to be explored. Hmm...

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