Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hey, gotta be strong, gotta be strong

I have no idea why, but i'm already excited about the new year ahead. I'm not exactly a fan of new years, coz i think there's nothing particularly awesome about them. But so far, the new year has been good, so maybe it's a sign.

ALOT of things have happened since i last blogged, but by now i don't intend to spell everything out one by one.

One of the reasons why i'm blogging is that jaan misses it. So here's for you jaan, and i'm sorry if this entry is not "intelligent" enough for your liking.

New year usually means new resolutions, but i think resolutions are SO overrated. I mean, there was a year when i wanted to be a better Muslim and we all know whatever happened to that. I think the same year i wanted to be a better person, as in generally, but nah, that never work out for me.

Well, resolutions shouldn't only be made on new years anyway coz we don't exactly "renew" our life every Jan 1st. I choose to think that every new DAY is actually an opportunity for us to learn from mistakes and determine our future...And by now, my entry has become oh so boring.

What I can see in 2009 is lots and lots of new experience for me. And maybe even new people in life. Which is so good, coz my social circle is pathetically (is there such a word?) small now.

It has been a relaxed year and i don't particularly regret anything that happened coz the nasty things in life happen, ironically enough, for the good of everybody.

So guys,
1. Screw those people who have made you cry, coz they are so not worth it.
2. Have pride coz that is one of the things that you have that nobody can snatch.
2. Stop whining about life and start doing something productive.
3. Make sure you make time for your loved ones.
4. And just be merry...even if you not, just pretend, trust me it can make you feel slightly better.

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