Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sometimes happiness, Sometimes sadness

Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate, and Happy Holidays to those who are simply just taking advantage of the holiday, especially to those NS men, haha.

I worked with Nan yesterday, and that's because we are the only non-chinese at RC. I don't exactly mind coz there was DOUBLE PAY! Yup, as simple as that. Shop was supposed to open at 3pm, but knowing us, we opened it way way later.

RC was super quiet yesterday that it was really weird, coz RC is usually hectic with all the office people. And yesterday was also Nan's first day back after months! I totally missed working with that girl. Working with her is so easy and fun :)

Later that evening, a new girl, Prema (as in Prem, but with an A at the back), joined us. It was her first/second day at work? So yeah, I had to work with 2 "newbies" yesterday.

By 9pm-ish, there weren't alot of people walking around in RC anymore. Wait, there were like NOBODY around actually, so we decided to close the shop way earlier than usual. I thought sales was pretty good for a Chinese New Year anyways.

So when we were busy closing, Midah and Farhan decided to pop by after their meet up. I was actually invited but I had work. Seriously you guys, the nature of my job is such that I can't go for all these last minute meet ups, sorry.

So yeah, I made them help us with closing so that we could finish fast and leave the place. And they actually did helped without complaining much. Thank you so much you guys! And Farhan, nice hairdo, hah.

So left the place and all of us needed to go to the toilet, so Nan actually brought us to this toilet at the other end of RC. Oh. My.God. Is the toilet gorgeous or is the toilet gorgeous! Midah and Nan even camwhored for awhile.

We split ways after that at the mrt station and went home.

The world is really really small. Nan and Prema realised on their first day of working together that they have common friends. Prema and Farhan (??!!) realised that Farhan's NS buddy is a friend of Prema. Midah actually knows someone whom I thought only Farhan and I know.

And it gets complicated from then on, sigh. All of us need to widen our social circle, seriously.

Oh Nan? The Dove conditioner is working! Wait, or isit too early to tell?

Anyways, went home, showered, ate and I watched "Qabil Khusry Qabil Igam". Omg that show is so depressing? Ok, maybe that's coz I watched the last hour of it. Apparently the front part was happier and funnier. But seriously, the ending was super sad. So many people died and some of died due to accidents.

Talk about drama!


gorethic said...

We definitely could use with some socialising, it's a lil depressing how our social circles keep overlapping with other people's.
But I'm looking forward to Fridayyy! :D

gorethic said...

Okay that was me. Forgot to say it, lol.
