I'm kinda sleepy and probably a teeny bit drunk from the iced teh tarik, so pardon me.
The thing about friends, and I mean real friends...not those that you call friends or best friends or whatever, just for the sake of it...they can be really alike and different from you at the same time. Which I like, and something that I think is really important.
There are some things about you that you want to share with other people. I mean, wouldn't it be nice if you and your close friends listen to the same songs, like the same singers, so you can go concerts and gigs together?
But there are other areas, where you just want those issues or stuff to just be associated just with you. It's like they are your things. And it isn't necessary for your close friends to like them. Heck, they can hate them, whatever. But it's ok. Coz you feel unique coz this is one of the things that make you stand out from the rest.
I like the fact that I still watches Disney shows and am totally crazy about Justin Timberlake. And I like the fact that my friends do like them, but not to my extreme. Which is good.
I like the fact that Farhana loves all these songs that i never heard of. She particularly likes Barney...as in the "How I Met Your Mother" Barney and not the "Barney is a dinosaur" Barney...She has different tastes in men, those nerdy and cute types, which I find kinda adorable. But it's ok. I don't have to watch shows she watches, I don't even bother to listen songs she listens, coz this is her "territory". Gettit?
And I also like the fact that Midah likes the emo rock songs and goes crazy...and i mean CRAZY!...listening to them, while i will be sitting one corner just looking at her being so her. She's so carefree and vivacious. And she's so lit-ish, you know...well, so is Farhana.
Which is ok. It's fine. For all these differences define who we are. It's what make us...well, US!
So, to those poseurs out there, can you start finding your identity now?

Justin with specs.
I like men with specs, provided they look intellectual with them!
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