Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am gonna breathe slow, count from one to ten with my eyes closed

Well, some things are just beyond our control. No matter how hard you try to keep things the way they have been, they might still change. And all you can do is watch silently.

Although sometimes it hurts, you believe that things only happen for the best. So you don't argue and just accept everything, though you are secretly unhappy.

All you hope for is for things to get back to normal. And you hold on to that thread of hope, though you know the chances of it happening is very very slim. But you still keep that faith.

Yes, it's an emo entry. I'm not fond of writing such entries, but it gets to a point where I have to channel the depression somewhere, you know.

So yeah, I'm not going to discuss this. I'm just going to give up and run far far away. You haven't been caring anyway.

Atleast I'm not so bumped now coz Mira was there to cheer me up with our ridiculous conversation on msn anyways. It shows how distraction helps alot. No, not in solving the actual problem, but heck it makes me slightly happier.

Just an advice: Don't listen to Breathe Slow when you are in an emo mode. It doesn't help.

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