Sunday, March 15, 2009

On News 5 Tonight: 2 Girls Caught On MRT Camera, Doing Wooh

The Adventures of ShiMira
Episode 1: Push

This is a poster of a movie called Push. We went to watch it on Saturday, though it wasn't the initial plan. We wanted to watch other movies, such as Role Models and Up but they weren't out yet. So yeah, we just settled for Push.

We somewhat hesitated in watching at first coz the movie got mostly negative reviews by critics and the only person who told me about it was Gillian. But we still watched it anyways.

And hell! The movie was good! The storyline is clear cut, so easy for me to understand. Also the effects were cool. There wasn't even a moment where we were bored by any scenes. I actually wanted the movie to go on forever!

Towards the end, it got a bit confusing, coz there were so many plots, but yeah we figured it out in the end. This is definitely a great Hollywood movie for me after a long time. Now I have the urge to watch more and more movies. There's Role Models, Up and 12 Rounds :)

Till the next episode of The Adventures of ShiMira *dum dum dum*

I want to be a Pusher. It would be so much fun if I can make you believe in stuff that never happen. To know more about the movie Push and the different types of psychics, you can check this out

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