This video gets better and better everytime I watch it.
Cheers everyone :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How I Met Your Mother - The Last Slap
Monday, August 24, 2009
Isn't it just fascinating?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Definitely, Maybe
Whatever, seriously.
Wait, I digressed.
FYI: I realise that most of the time, people who love kids are those without young siblings. And when I say young, your brother/sister who is 2-3 years younger than you doesn't count. "Young siblings" mean when they were babies, you had to take care of them.
Ah, when that day comes, I shall drool and melt into that drool puddle.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Oh, Shut Up Already!
Usually I don't care about picking up the phone when I'm sleeping, but I was scared that it was the parents calling to check on me. And if they find out that it's already 11:30am in the morning (afternoon, your pick) and their 20 years old dear daughter is still snoring in bed, I am so screwed.
Well, actually I think they know that I wake up late everyday. I mean, they know that they can't expect me to wake up at 8am and clean up the whole house right? Pfft. Nevertheless, I still want to be there when they call. It's just a guilty conscience thing I think.
Ok disgressed much. So yeah for the past 4 days, I have been woken up by the blaring noise of the phone right? It takes alot of effort for Shimah Yusoff to answer the house phone if she is still in bed alright. She has to climb down the ladder of the bunk bed, drags herself out of the bedroom to the living room, picks up the phone and says "Hello". Lots of work is required since we are keeping in mind that I just woke up.
So ok fine, I put in so much work so that the caller on the other line won't be like an idiot, waiting for someone on my side to pick up the phone right? See, I totally have the caller's best interest at heart. Anyways, so, that call better be for me! It's just fair, don't you think? I picked up the phone when nobody else would (that's also because nobody is at home), so it's just right that the call is for me.
But no. For one of the days, the caller got the wrong number. Can you just imagine my frustration?! All that trouble to hear some stranger talking to me in an alien language. Gosh.
And for the other 3 days, the caller wanted to talk to my father. HELLO?! It's freaking 11:30am in the morning (once again, afternoon, your pick). Why are you expecting for my father to be at home? Of course he will be working man! And the annoying part is that I'm sure they have his handphone number. Why couldn't they just try that because they should know that he's at work right?
I don't go "Gah!" normally, because I think it's damn irritating to do so but here I go.
People call me Shimah Tribbiani

Farhana, this is for you!
I know you're not exactly a fan of either one, but seriously I had a major shock when I saw this poster at Jade cinema just now. When I first saw it, I thought the person besides Shahid was this Sikh boy whose name is Rani. Which is weird, come to think about it, because what kind of name is Rani for a Sikh right? Imagine Rani Pratap Singh. Yikes.
When I looked at it somemore, I then realised that there's a Mukherjee under the Rani which makes the name Rani Mukherjee. A few seconds later then it came to me that it's actually THE Rani Mukherjee disguises herself as a Sardar!
Omg I took THAT long to figure this one out. I totally felt like Joey from Friends. I don't know whether it's obvious for everybody else, but I must say her disguise is super good.
And once I'd figured out everything, I started laughing like crazy because I find the whole thing just damn funny.
Also, I find it freaky weird that I think she looks good like that. I don't even know whether that's a compliment or otherwise.
Ba-boom, Ba-boom

First of all, does the second photo looks like a family portrait gone wrong to you? It does right!
Ok so finally, after so very long, Midah and I managed to watch a Bollywood movie at the cinema. This one is titled Luck.
Sidetrack: What's up with the english titles like Luck, Kidnap and Black? Bollywood should stop naming their movie titles in English. Hindi is just fine what!
Moving on. I think I'm expected to give awesome reviews for this movie but I don't think I can. Don't get me wrong, the movie didn't suck. Of course it didn't, how can it possible suck when Imran Khan is in it right?
As usual, Imran Khan gave a good performance. That aside, he probably also has the most intense eyes and the most kissable lips that I've ever seen. He's so hot, he's almost sinful to lust for!
I like the rest of the cast. Sanjay Dutt is as cool and somewhat sexy in his way as usual. It's nice to see the old people like Mithun Chakraborty and Danny Denzongpa again because they are always top notch in their performance.
And that weirdo psychopath guy "Raghav" who reminded me alot of Ritesh Deshmukh, is good being cuckoo. But Midah and I kept laughing whenever he did his evil laugh. That guy's mental man! My most favourite character is probably "Shortcut" because she's so small yet she has this mega huge personality in her.
Sidetrack: Midah, omg, "Shortcut" is not 15 or 16 like what she claimed in the movie. She's actually 19! And and AND, she has been in Chak De! India and Fashion. Didn't you see her in Fashion? She's "Somu" apparently.
Anyways, so yeah, the movie started out well, I liked the characters, the storyline is great, until the supposedly heroine came. Her name is SHRUTI Haasan. First mistake already. Seriously, Shruti?? That name always and forever will remind me of that Chandrasekhar's kid whom I had to sit beside, for a period of time in Secondary 1.
Fine, ok I think I can pardon her for her first name. Afterall, she didn't get to pick her name right, so technically it's not her fault. But she cannot bloody act! What kind of actress are you if you can't act! I just cannot take that alright.
Not only can't the heroine act, some of the action scenes are just plain ridiculous. I know some people will say, "Hey it's a Bollywood movie, of course it's going to be ridiculous. It's the only time that a hero can fight 10 guys and still come out victorious".
But these scenes are beyond ridiculous really. You have to watch it to understand me.
And I can't remember the last time I cringed so much when watching romantic scenes in a hindi movie. Wait, I can actually remember. It was U, Me aur Hum. Ajay Devgan as a romantic hero? I'll puke my guts out first before I watch that again.
Anyways, so romance is like another word for Bollywood right, but this movie? Totally cannot make it alright. Cringe like I couldn't cringe anymore when I saw Imran and Shruthi together on screen. And those cheesy lines? Omg just kill me please.
Well, all these still didn't make the movie bad. I liked the movie cause (a) I'm a Imran Khan fan, (b) I'm watching it with Midah and we managed to laugh through those ridiculous scenes, and (c) like what I told her, we are just easily impressed. We could have watched (almost) anything and we would still come out of the theatre happy.
I realised that now is the period where all the good hindi movies are coming out. So next up, Love Aaj Kal :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Sweet Talking Sugar Coated Candyman
Dance on Sunset- NIck 6- Apologize
Tony Testa is such a brilliant and creative choreographer. I truly love the use of the swings - very very original.
And Nick 6 is just plain amazing. They should just move on to So You Think You Can Dance.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Down Memory Lane
For starters, I really enjoyed preparing the flag that we were going to use during the celebration. I preferred using crayons to colour pencils because the red colour that the crayons produce is more prominent.
Nevertheless, my fingers tend to get red sometimes when I got careless and touched the red bit on the flag. And not only that, the area around the stars tends to be a bitch most of the time, because the fat crayon tip just refused to fit easily in the small area between the stars.
Then there were the songs. During those days, I could remember all the lyrics like THAT *snaps fingers*. Ok, but that's also because we had so many practices during the previous Music lessons.
And we didn't just wave the flag while singing ok! We had all these different hand gestures to go along with the songs as well! And I...I mean EVERYBODY, could remember all the movements. Fine, they were no intricate dance steps, yeah, but still man.
Yup, good times good times.
Today, I must say I can still remember some of the lyrics to those songs that I haven't sung in YEARS! I don't know, I think there's just something about National Day songs man.
That being said, today could have easily been any normal Sunday. I barely paid attention to the parade because I was too busy playing this frog game on DS. Damn that game man, I just can't seem to win! And the irritating bit is that it is so addictive :(
Anyways, yeah, after decades of following the parade, I'm seriously not impressed with anything anymore. Yes, they can change the hosts, yes, they can have all the fancy fireworks, but that's about it you know.
It's not like I take Singapore forgranted. No, of course not. Singapore's amazing for so many reasons. For one, where else can you find people of different races living harmoniously in one country?
Maybe it's because I was not at the parade, so I wasn't filled with utmost patrotism for the country. But then again, do I want to be at the parade with those other people who probably only sing the National Anthem once a year at the parade? No.
It will be good if one day the 10 years-old girl in me surfaces so that I can join the crowd in singing "Who are you my country, More than celebrations and tears".
Oh and by the way, it has been so long, but Munneru Vaalibaa is still around. That song is a classic man. And don't you forget the hand gestures for that song! :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Love Is War
I've been to many religious classes but nobody ever told me what is Islam's take on intuition. Is it just a harmless feeling, or like lust, is it something that Satan lures us into so that we will end up sinful?
It can be either, or maybe neither! I don't know. But if you asks me, Shimah The Great, I would say this: Since God doesn't talk to us directly, then intuition is perhaps a hint from Him to us, so that it will help us in making the right decisions in life. Farfetced maybe, but it does make sense right? Even to a teeny weeny bit extent probably?
There have been many times when I choose to be practical and use the head when making decisions while at the same time ignoring that annoying feeling deep inside me which tells me otherwise. But what do you know, I always regret doing that later.
I don't know why exactly. Hmm, probably my theory is right! Probably intuition is really a "Hey Shimah, listen to me, I'm trying to tell you something" by God!
Or maybe intuition is just something that you subconsciously know but you just don't want to acknowledge. And the fact that you don't know that you don't want to acknowlege it makes it the more confusing.
It's like in Hindi movies. Girl subconsciously knows that Guy is the one for her but decides to marry Extra instead because she thinks that's the right thing to do.
If only life can be as easy as how it is being portrayed in Hindi movies - all sunshine and roses, all nice songs and beautiful foreign locations. It is only in Hindi movies when a girl is allowed to follow her intuition, dump the guy she's about to marry at the altar and run away to be with her lover eventually.
One thing that may be the outcome of following one's intuition is probably this - you'll be happy (I can't say the same about the others though, especially the guy who just got dumped).
Questions. Does the girl always have to follow her intuition at the very last minute and does it always have to be at the wedding?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Going Kooky
Not only that, her whole house is newly painted as well (although she had very little contribution in that).
She has been to Geylang twice in 2 days and will be going again on Wednesday.
She has been eating durians and dendengs to her heart's content (omg syiok giler!)
But she's still not looking forward to this year's Hari Raya, though she can't wait to don her new baju kurungs! Hehe, exciting siol (:
Goodnight, Goodbye
I'll say that's a long time, especially for a job that I never intended on staying this long. And now, it's time to bid goodbye.
When I started out, I didn't think that I would make friends here. I just wanted to go work and leave at the end of the day. That's it. However, I later learnt that work can get more fun when you are not only working with colleagues, but people whom you call friends as well.
As I leave that place, I can safely say that I have a few friends whom I treasure alot. No, I'm not going to promise "Friends Forever" to these people because we all know without effort, those words are just nothing.
I'm flattered at the fact that even the new girls were upset that I was leaving (or maybe that's what they want me to believe). When I was new myself, frankly speaking, I didn't like the 2 seniors who trained me. They gave me hell! Only when Sakinah came along that my life got more bearable.
I think maybe that's why I made it a point to be extra nice to the new girls. For fuck's sake, they are already stressed out with all the different sundaes and all the different drinks to make! You will definitely not be of any help to them if you start rushing them in their work! But yeah, not eveybody understands that.
One of the great things that has happened to me there is meeting the celebrities. Ok technically there were only 3 but I'm a happy girl already! That place was where I touched Utt's hands (you wouldn't imagine how I did that), where Shah Iskandar waved goodbye to me and where Haizad Imram...well he did nothing except for buying the ice-cream, but that's good enough for me already! Hell, he could just have walked past, that's already enough for me (ok not true).
So many people to thank, so many things learnt, so many memorable occassions.
Saturday was a good ending.
Goodnight, Goodbye.
Because you are a part of me now...