Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love Is War

People should always follow their intuition. Anytime that an inner voice inside you bugs you, just follow it. It will do you good, trust me. It will somehow make you feel better because that way, there's nothing gnawing at your conscience anymore.

I've been to many religious classes but nobody ever told me what is Islam's take on intuition. Is it just a harmless feeling, or like lust, is it something that Satan lures us into so that we will end up sinful?

It can be either, or maybe neither! I don't know. But if you asks me, Shimah The Great, I would say this: Since God doesn't talk to us directly, then intuition is perhaps a hint from Him to us, so that it will help us in making the right decisions in life. Farfetced maybe, but it does make sense right? Even to a teeny weeny bit extent probably?

There have been many times when I choose to be practical and use the head when making decisions while at the same time ignoring that annoying feeling deep inside me which tells me otherwise. But what do you know, I always regret doing that later.

I don't know why exactly. Hmm, probably my theory is right! Probably intuition is really a "Hey Shimah, listen to me, I'm trying to tell you something" by God!

Or maybe intuition is just something that you subconsciously know but you just don't want to acknowledge. And the fact that you don't know that you don't want to acknowlege it makes it the more confusing.

It's like in Hindi movies. Girl subconsciously knows that Guy is the one for her but decides to marry Extra instead because she thinks that's the right thing to do.

If only life can be as easy as how it is being portrayed in Hindi movies - all sunshine and roses, all nice songs and beautiful foreign locations. It is only in Hindi movies when a girl is allowed to follow her intuition, dump the guy she's about to marry at the altar and run away to be with her lover eventually.

One thing that may be the outcome of following one's intuition is probably this - you'll be happy (I can't say the same about the others though, especially the guy who just got dumped).

Questions. Does the girl always have to follow her intuition at the very last minute and does it always have to be at the wedding?

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