Monday, August 17, 2009

Definitely, Maybe

Girls are supposed to be good with kids. I think it has something to do wth the assumptions that girls are soft spoken and have maternal instincts in them.

Whatever, seriously.

Just to make things clear, I'm not saying I hate kids. I'm just not fond of them. I can't play peek-a-boo with them and make them laugh. Well, actually sometimes I can. My point is, most of the time I can't and it's because I'm just not bothered with pleasing the kids.

I mean, what do kids know? If you really want to please someone in his family, go to the kitchen and impress his mother! Pretend you can cook and occassionally praise her cooking as well - very important. And tada, before you know it, she will approve of you.

Wait, I digressed.

Ok coming back to the kids. One of the reasons I'm not lovey-dovey with them is because I have always been surrounded by them all my life. First there was Hashim, and then Hisham and last but not least, Zimah.

I have played with them. I have fed them. I have cleaned them. I've done everything! You name it, I've done it. So I think, now that I'm 20 and I don't have anymore siblings who will cry because he/she has yet to be fed, I must say, I'm so done with kids.

FYI: I realise that most of the time, people who love kids are those without young siblings. And when I say young, your brother/sister who is 2-3 years younger than you doesn't count. "Young siblings" mean when they were babies, you had to take care of them.

So anyways, the weird part is I would like my partner to be good with kids. Who wouldn't, right? It's always so endearing to watch your partner sitting cross-legged on the floor with your nephew/niece and talking to him/her in that special baby-talk voice.

Ah, when that day comes, I shall drool and melt into that drool puddle.

Sigh, that's the thing about human beings. We know we aren't perfect, but we do expect alot from our other half.

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