Sunday, August 9, 2009

Down Memory Lane

Once upon a really long time ago, National Day celebration was lots of fun. But then again, at the tender age of 10, almost anything was fun to us then.

For starters, I really enjoyed preparing the flag that we were going to use during the celebration. I preferred using crayons to colour pencils because the red colour that the crayons produce is more prominent.

Nevertheless, my fingers tend to get red sometimes when I got careless and touched the red bit on the flag. And not only that, the area around the stars tends to be a bitch most of the time, because the fat crayon tip just refused to fit easily in the small area between the stars.

Then there were the songs. During those days, I could remember all the lyrics like THAT *snaps fingers*. Ok, but that's also because we had so many practices during the previous Music lessons.

And we didn't just wave the flag while singing ok! We had all these different hand gestures to go along with the songs as well! And I...I mean EVERYBODY, could remember all the movements. Fine, they were no intricate dance steps, yeah, but still man.

Yup, good times good times.

Today, I must say I can still remember some of the lyrics to those songs that I haven't sung in YEARS! I don't know, I think there's just something about National Day songs man.

That being said, today could have easily been any normal Sunday. I barely paid attention to the parade because I was too busy playing this frog game on DS. Damn that game man, I just can't seem to win! And the irritating bit is that it is so addictive :(

Anyways, yeah, after decades of following the parade, I'm seriously not impressed with anything anymore. Yes, they can change the hosts, yes, they can have all the fancy fireworks, but that's about it you know.

It's not like I take Singapore forgranted. No, of course not. Singapore's amazing for so many reasons. For one, where else can you find people of different races living harmoniously in one country?

Maybe it's because I was not at the parade, so I wasn't filled with utmost patrotism for the country. But then again, do I want to be at the parade with those other people who probably only sing the National Anthem once a year at the parade? No.

It will be good if one day the 10 years-old girl in me surfaces so that I can join the crowd in singing "Who are you my country, More than celebrations and tears".

Oh and by the way, it has been so long, but Munneru Vaalibaa is still around. That song is a classic man. And don't you forget the hand gestures for that song! :)

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