Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh, Shut Up Already!

For the past 4 days, I have been woken up by the blaring noise of the house phone. Seriously, that is NOT the way anybody likes to wake up by.

Usually I don't care about picking up the phone when I'm sleeping, but I was scared that it was the parents calling to check on me. And if they find out that it's already 11:30am in the morning (afternoon, your pick) and their 20 years old dear daughter is still snoring in bed, I am so screwed.

Well, actually I think they know that I wake up late everyday. I mean, they know that they can't expect me to wake up at 8am and clean up the whole house right? Pfft. Nevertheless, I still want to be there when they call. It's just a guilty conscience thing I think.

Ok disgressed much. So yeah for the past 4 days, I have been woken up by the blaring noise of the phone right? It takes alot of effort for Shimah Yusoff to answer the house phone if she is still in bed alright. She has to climb down the ladder of the bunk bed, drags herself out of the bedroom to the living room, picks up the phone and says "Hello". Lots of work is required since we are keeping in mind that I just woke up.

So ok fine, I put in so much work so that the caller on the other line won't be like an idiot, waiting for someone on my side to pick up the phone right? See, I totally have the caller's best interest at heart. Anyways, so, that call better be for me! It's just fair, don't you think? I picked up the phone when nobody else would (that's also because nobody is at home), so it's just right that the call is for me.

But no. For one of the days, the caller got the wrong number. Can you just imagine my frustration?! All that trouble to hear some stranger talking to me in an alien language. Gosh.

And for the other 3 days, the caller wanted to talk to my father. HELLO?! It's freaking 11:30am in the morning (once again, afternoon, your pick). Why are you expecting for my father to be at home? Of course he will be working man! And the annoying part is that I'm sure they have his handphone number. Why couldn't they just try that because they should know that he's at work right?

I don't go "Gah!" normally, because I think it's damn irritating to do so but here I go.

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