Monday, August 3, 2009

Goodnight, Goodbye

1 year 7 months 10 days.

I'll say that's a long time, especially for a job that I never intended on staying this long. And now, it's time to bid goodbye.

When I started out, I didn't think that I would make friends here. I just wanted to go work and leave at the end of the day. That's it. However, I later learnt that work can get more fun when you are not only working with colleagues, but people whom you call friends as well.

As I leave that place, I can safely say that I have a few friends whom I treasure alot. No, I'm not going to promise "Friends Forever" to these people because we all know without effort, those words are just nothing.

I'm flattered at the fact that even the new girls were upset that I was leaving (or maybe that's what they want me to believe). When I was new myself, frankly speaking, I didn't like the 2 seniors who trained me. They gave me hell! Only when Sakinah came along that my life got more bearable.

I think maybe that's why I made it a point to be extra nice to the new girls. For fuck's sake, they are already stressed out with all the different sundaes and all the different drinks to make! You will definitely not be of any help to them if you start rushing them in their work! But yeah, not eveybody understands that.

One of the great things that has happened to me there is meeting the celebrities. Ok technically there were only 3 but I'm a happy girl already! That place was where I touched Utt's hands (you wouldn't imagine how I did that), where Shah Iskandar waved goodbye to me and where Haizad Imram...well he did nothing except for buying the ice-cream, but that's good enough for me already! Hell, he could just have walked past, that's already enough for me (ok not true).

So many people to thank, so many things learnt, so many memorable occassions.

Saturday was a good ending.

Goodnight, Goodbye.

Because you are a part of me now...

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