Friday, November 7, 2008

I can't be perfect, now it's just too late

Judging someone is just part of human behaviour, whether you are being intentional or not. Living in a Malay/Muslim society, controversial issues have always been a problem. We always assume that people who drink, smoke, do drugs or have illegitimate children are generally bad people. Are they?

I'm not saying DON'T JUDGE, coz you just can't afford not to sometimes.

Just because a person does something that you don't particularly agree with, doesn't make that person immoral. We all have our moments, our weaknesses. Times when we just get swayed and do things that we may never think of doing before. And if you think it's fair for people to say that you a bad person because of you past mistakes, then you can by all means throw your negative comments to other people.

It's easy to criticise. Way too easy sometimes. But if the same thing ever happens to you one day? What appropriate answers can you provide?

All i hope for is that such fate will never befall on me. I'm not going to sneer at them. I'll try not even to comment, which is hard most of the time.

Who are you to judge? Are you THAT perfect?

I once learnt: It's not how you live, but how you die.

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