Sunday, November 30, 2008

There's a thousand words that i could say, to make you come home

Enjoy your last teenage year :)

I can't wait for movie later! And you better like the present.


When we know that we are going to move on to a new phase in life, we tend to promise ourselves that we will never change. We tell ourselves that we will always keep in touch with our close friends.

But when we are finally in that new phase, sometimes it's difficult to keep those promises. It's not that we don't want to, sometimes we are just caught up with our new life that we can't pause and breathe and think back to what we promise and who we promise those things to.

We are all getting older, slowly moving into adulthood. You and your friends will move to different colleges and do different things. I don't mind that, coz new experience means fun. But for me, it's nice to know that i have some people with me through all this havoc.

To my few close friends, i really hope that there will never be a time when we can manage just fine in our lives, without the support of the other party.


I think i have a thing for attractive married men. Yes, they are good-looking, but the fact that they are married makes it all more fun actually.

And i secretly (not that it's a secret anymore now) finds pleasure in rejecting customers. I have no idea why. I like "killing" the waffle machine and i like to tell people who just got into the shop that we are closed.

I'm complex, we all know that.

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