Thursday, November 13, 2008

I WANNA close my eyes, i WANNA fall asleep

I'm still tired coz i woke up at like 6:30am this morning. That isn't normal for me. Woke up, freshened up, ate breakfast at the coffee shop downstairs. Then we went to Pak Ngah's house, which is 2 blocks away from my house.

Went to his house, to see him greeting us at the lift with his faded shirt and his kain sarong on. Seriously dude!

Later we waited for some other relatives to arrive and for Pak and Mak Ngah to get ready. We had some prayer session where most of those present cried. Very very emotional moment. Intense.

On the way to Changi Airport, i slept like a pig. Reached there to see the whole place packed with other Muslims. Other than the morning prayers on Hari Raya, i have never seen such a big group of Muslims gathered at the same place before. Awesome.

While we were waiting for the couple to be checked in, i had to play with Zarifah, their youngest child. My aunt, Zimah and i tried to play and joke with her so that she will get distracted. Gosh, if you heard how she wailed at the house, you would too join with me to play stupid games with her.

Oh i saw Baihakki Khaizan again. Twice in the same week. And my parents really know him. As in really KNOW him.

Mira: Never doubt the connections that our parents have, haha.

After like an hour waiting, they finally checked in and we could leave the place. I tried to sleep again, but everybody else was so high and noisy in that chartered bus.

We went for lunch at the same place where we had breakfast but i didn't eat coz perut masuk angin...Translation?? Erm, forget it.

Went home and slept for AWHILE, boo, and later went out again with the parents.


Came home to sleep awhile again, while Zimah was telling bedtime stories to me (no kidding!!). Later i woke up and showered and did some stuff related to work and prom.

Tomorrow has got to be productive. Hopefully we have the money and the strength to carry all those stuff. Experience on Monday reminded me that i'm not that strong, boo.

And i need to get up early AGAIN tomorrow...Later, i mean.

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