Monday, November 24, 2008

It's like you were my favourite drug

Prom is finally over. Yey! The whole thing may not be perfect...nothing is anyway, but i think it was a good effort.

Special shout outs to those who have helped the souvenir committee yesterday.

Thank you to Amirah, without you i would have probably screwed up. Thank you for being by my side, calming me down when i start to freak out...which is most of the time, that's the thing.

Underneath that "Huh??" confused look that she has all the time, she is actually a practical person :)

Thank you Ian for running around and pretending to be busy?? Haha, but seriously, thank you for your concern towards the committee. Really appreciate it :)

Thank you to the 2 councillors who helped out with the lucky draw part. I didn't catch your names, but i owe you guys.

To Aunty Jenny, thank you for being so resourceful. You can get almost anything anywhere from her. She's like a Doraemon according to Mira.

After prom ended yesterday, Midah, Mira, Afizah and i walked barefooted all the way from the hotel to the bus stop. I couldn't take the pain anymore, coz my feet had blisters. So we all took off our shoes. Haha i'm sure at 12am, nobody will really care whether we are wearing shoes or otherwise.

And i would only dare do these weird things with either Midah or Farhana. Yesterday was one of those times :)


I believe that not everybody is born with the gift of rhythm. Some people when being taught a dance, they just don't get it how Step 1 goes with Beat 1 and how Step 2 goes with Beat 2.

Well, i can't blame you for something that you don't have.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Yes, that would mean you will have to have extra practices. Yes, that would mean that the choreographer tends to be slightly more irritated with you.

But it all doesn't matter. I'm sure that if you have the commitment and drive to want to learn, you will get it eventually.

Jun Jie is a good example. I salute him for being very positive and keen to learn.

Hoorays to Midah's babies!


Give me any 2 girls' names. One of the girl has to be very opinionated and isn't scared to voice out and another is like the girl-next-door kind.

And imagine that they have a quarrel.

It doesn't matter who started it, but naturally, an outsider who knows that there is something wrong going on between them will just assume that the more vocal girl is the guilty party.

It's as simple as that.
And there really was something else that i wanted to blog about, but i totally forgot about it now, as you can tell. Buh.

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